TuQ came from canada with a slogan "SYASAT NAHI, RIYAASAT BACHAO"... From the first day he challenged the system that reforms should be made and induced in the coming elections. He never deviated from a point that election commission should take such steps that culprits, non tax payers and fraud people cannot be elected further. As we have seen that Governemt and Opposition were even united for a mix-type care taker government and they nominated Mahmood Khan Achak Zai... The decision was challenged by PTI and TuQ and named it "MUK MUKA"....
Although the constitution comprises of a comprehensive structure of clauses but we can see that pre-polling and election buying is always proved to be a trend for both big parties of Pakistan i.e. PML(N) and PPP. PTI was the first who rises the flag of change and comes with the great spirit and enthusiasm, people started following him. specially the educated class acknowledged Imran Khan and his cause. But then we saw that old dedicated workers were thrown aside and new faces are inducted in PTI which were already tested dozens of times. This was not at all a good decision. Secondly no consistency were seen in the PTI sit-ins in karachi and Long March in wazeeristan. A pact could be signed at both times between government and PTI to stop brutal killings by drones in FATA, but the long march proved to be a political show-off.
December 23rd TuQ came to Pakistan and the party which came to front to support him was MQM. No doubt MQM has struggled a lot to come above and since years this party got many changes in it, but they were a big alliance of PPP and definitely the long march was against the government in which MQM was also a shareholder. The step to support TuQ was no doubt a good step but as soon as they backed out their hypocrisy was highlighted. It was a big political loss for MQM to step back from long march but every other political party ( whether in government or opposition acknowledged it ) ... and finally they ended with the moral support only.
TuQ stands out for a long march against the government to bring the electoral reforms so that culprits SELECTION can be stopped in next election. Government couldn't accept this as they know that by accepting this demand they will be the sufferer.. A great alliance was seen under these circumstances that opposition was united at one place and PPP and coalition parties united at other side. Only PTI was the party standing in between. In such circumstances they should join either Government side or opposition side which they definitely could not... They lost the other chance to join TuQ, although he continuously insisted on PTI participation. While in Sit-in there was a exemplary peace could be seen, no riots, no chaos and even no bad management could be noticed.
Finally after 4 days sit-in, TuQ was successful enough that Government has signed a pact with him in which 2 out of 4 clauses were accepted as it is including the electoral reform clause which was a big success of TuQ. other two points were discussed in details which includes the dissolution of assembly which government didn't accept but they comes to a pint with consensus that It will definitely be dissolved before the exact date of dissolution. Other point was the reshaping election commission which was also demanded by PTI, but TuQ was successful here too that a core committee of big constitutional champs (lawyers like Khalid Ranjha, Aitizaz Ahsan, Waseem sajjad etc) will analyze that what can be done.
Concluding the whole scenario it can be said that if Long March was not a success then it couldn't be declared as a failure too. Revolution started with peaceful sit-in of tens of thousands of people and it was ended peacefully which was a great success. All political parties accepted long march a historical march and biggest sit-in of Pakistan. which they were refusing till one day before that it is a few thousand sit-in.. But it is very much clear that all political parties are united and all so called visionary leaders have the only vision to get into Government. May ALLAH bless our country and our nation.
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