Still working with SQL Queries?

Are you still working with SQL queries? Select * From EMP.... OR Insert into .... OR UPDATE ___ (sorry I forgot :p )... These queries can never be forgotten but as advancement in the technology is upbringing a hell of changes then you should analyze yourself that where do you stands? Now the era is coming where Rapid Application Development is on its hype. Are you coping up with it?

In 2008, Microsoft introduced Codename Astoria which later became Entity framework. What it tends to do basically works on ORM (Object relational mapping). You can now write queries as like you are programming in C# with your own customized objects. JSQL , although having same capabilities but Microsoft was led its technology to hype and making it easier for beginners to code a program.

Irrespective of its technical details, you just focus on the technique and technology. You will learn it by yourself while making a small program using Entity Data Model, having the .edmx extension. It enable your database in Classes form in your code where you can make their objects and perform database CRUD operations. The demo session will be here soon.


Pakistan is the country where people are unaware of their rights. They don’t even know what to do when they are stuck in any problems. There are no such platforms provided to common man from where they can get information and solutions of their problems, queries and rights. Catering the mentioned problem I would like to propose a business plan which can resolve this issue as well as it could generate revenue also.

According to the statistics there are around 80 million mobile phone users in Pakistan and several companies are promoting other options of CDMA and Smart Phones too. In addition to this there are around 30 million internet users all over the Pakistan. And most of them belong to middle class families. Digital abuse, women, children rights, human rights, Text abuse, harassment, emergency information and other queries are generated on daily basis. I would like to propose a solution that we can provide the assistance and support to such users who have no idea to get consultation when they are stuck.

A web based discussion platform, social media campaigns and SMS based support can be provided to such people. The can get the solution of their queries on SMS, online and by Email of Phone call. To cater this issue we need to have a strong integrated media campaign where all TV Channels and Print Media organizations will be requested to initiate the public service messages. A nominal amount of SMS charges and web based revenue generation model can be run in parallel to generate money from this cause too.

In emergency situations, or consultations the experts will be hired or voluntarily provided on support to the people. It may include any legal advises or it can also include the other kind of support like human rights, and other queries. Police cases, or any accidental cases there is nobody who could help the suffering person and this platform can work as a friend in need.