Rain in Kaba

کہتے ہیں بارش رحمت ہوتی ہے ... اور وہ بھی کیا بارش ہو جو آپکو مسجد الحرام کے صحن میں مل جائے .. ہمنے بھی اشا کی نماز باجماعت ادا کی .. اور امام بھی امام سدیس .. حرام میں حسرت ہی ہوتی ہے کہ امام سدیس کی قرات مل جائے ... اور گھڑیاں بھی وہ اگلے دین روانگی ہو ... جذبات اپنے عروج پی... ہر گہری جیسے یہ احساس کہ عبادت کہ جو حق تھا وہ ادا نہ ہوا ... اس دین نماز اس صحن میں پڑھی جہاں سے سبیل زمزم قریب ہے اور وہ مقام محبّت قریب ہے جہاں ولادت سرور کونین کا عظیم ترین واقعہ پیش آیا ... نماز کے فورن بعد اسی اندھی چلی کہ مسجد کے مینار دھندهلے نظر آنے لگے ... اچانک گرج چمک  کے ساتھ بارش بھی شروع ہوگئی ... ہم جیسے بھاگتے ہوے ہونے اسٹاپ کی جانب گئے .. گورمنٹ پیکج تھا .... اسلیے رہائش عزیزیہ میں میں تھی ... اچانک جیسے بجلی کا کڑاکا ہوا ... اور جیسے زمین لرز گی ... کچھ لوگوں نے اللہ اکبر کی سدا  بلند کی تو کچھ لوگ کلمہ پڑھنے لگے ... ہم بھی بھاگتے بھیگتے اسٹاپ پر پوھنچے اور بس پکڑ کر ہوٹل کی جانب روانہ ہوے ... جب ہوٹل پوہنچے تو لوگوں کو اس حسرت میں پایا کہ کاش حرام کی بارش مل جاتی ... تھوڑی در بعد ہمارے ایک دوست بھی حرم سے واپس آگئے.. کہنے لگے کہ آج میری دیرینہ خواہش پوری ہوگئی... میں اسوقت مطاف میں تھا ... اور بارش میں بس کعبہ کی رونق تھی جو اس سے نگاہ نہیں ہٹ رہی تھی ..  کیا سکوں تھا، کیا مزہ تھا ... میں نے کہا کہ دوست ... وہ کعبہ کا جلال تھا جسنے تمھیں اتنا محو کرلیا کہ کچھ ہوش ہی نہ رہا ... ورنہ بہار تو اسی افراتفری تھی جیسے بجلی وہیں گری ... کاش میں بھی اس وقت مطاف میں ہوتا ... اور کعبہ کا وہ منظر دیکھ پاتا ... کچھ حسرتیں پوری نہیں ہوتیں .. اور کچھ لوگوں کو وہ ضرور ملتا ہے جسکی وہ تمنا کرتے ہیں ...

Daughters of Muhammad (pbuh)

Some of our Muslim brothers claim that there was only one daughter of prophet Muhammad s.a.w and she was Bibi Fatima r.a. and the other 3 females who were named as "Bint e Muhammad s.a.w" were the nieces of Bibi Khadija r.a. However, this is not true. There are several proofs from Quran o Hadith that there were 4 daughters of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

We can see that Prophet Muhammad s.a.w was just 25 when he got married with Bibi Khadija r.a. who was 40, at the time of marriage. Prophet s.a.w was born in 571 AD according to many historians. According to this narration, he might become 25 years old in 596 AD, when he got married. Several narrators said that Hazrat Qasim r.a. was born in 597 AD and then Zainab bint Muhammad s.a.w was born in 597 AD.

Unfortunately people who claim that Muhammad s.a.w had only one daughter, say that Prophet s.a.w got first child when he was 29. That is not true because of several reasons, given as under:

1. Bibi khadija r.a. was 40 at that age when Prophet s.a.w married to her. It is more difficult for a woman of 45 years of age to give birth than a 40 years old woman.

2. There is no reason available why they didnt get any child for 5 years approx.

3. ALLAH Almighty portrays him an example, best of the best, It would be considered as a blame on Prophet s.a.w if somebody believes that he didnt have a child for 5 years.

Whereas there are several historians who wrote that Prophet s.a.w got a child Qasim r.a. in the very next year of his marriage.

Moreover, Prophet s.a.w was praised by ALLAH by following verses:

“And Verily. for you (Muhammad (S)) are on an exalted (standard of) character” (Quran, Surah Al-Qalam:4).
Nobody, either arab or non-arab could criticize prophet s.a.w in any matter of life. When Ibrahim son of Muhammad s.a.w died, prophet s.a.w was very saddened.

It is reported that when he died, 'Amr ibn al-'As said: "Muhammad is without posterity because none of his male children stayed alive". In response to him the Surah Al-Kawthar and the verse, "Indeed it is your enemy who is without posterity" was revealed. (Wikipedia)

ALLAH Almighty specified that Prophet s.a.w is not the "father" of any of your men..... But yes he is the father of his daughters. ALLAH says in Quran: 

“Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Apostle of God, and the Seal of the Prophets: and God has full knowledge of all things. (Quran 33:40)"
We all know that Hazrat Zayd Bin Haritha r.a. was know as the adopted son of Muhammad s.a.w, but it the verse above has clarified the misconception that there is no men on earth who could claim Prophet Muhammad s.a.w his father. Regarding the names of the fathers, another verse clarifies this misconception:

Call them by their fathers' names ...
— Sura al-Ahzab Quran 33:5 (Translated by Yusuf Ali)

After that Zayd was being called as Zayd bin haritha. So how come the "adopted" (if) daughters were to be called as "Bint e Muhammad" s.a.w. The daughters of prophet were commonly known and called us daughters of Prophet s.a.w till their life ended, as the daughters of prophet Muhammad s.a.w were died during his lifetime except Bibi Fatima r.a.

Prophet s.a.w. reminded people several time of his daughters like an event when Hazrat Ali r.a. wanted to marry with another girl, Prophet s.a.w told :

'Ali bin Husain said that Miswar bin Makhramah told him that:
'Ali bin Abu Talib proposed to the daughter of Abu Jahl, when he was married to Fatimah the daughter of the Prophet. When Fatimah heard of that she went to the Prophet, and said: "Your people are saying that you do not feel angry for your daughters. This 'Ali is going to marry the daughter of Abu Jahl." Miswar said: "The Prophet stood up, and I heard him when he bore witness (i.e., said the Shahadah), then he said: 'I married my daughter (Zainab) to Abul-As bin Rabi', and he spoke to me and was speaking the truth. Fatimah bint Muhammad is a part of me, and I hate to see her faced with troubles. By Allah, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah and the daughter of the enemy of Allah will never be joined together in marriage to one man." He said: So, 'Ali abandoned the marriage proposal. 
Ibn e Majah : https://sunnah.com/urn/1263180

When another daughter i.e. Umm Kulthum bint Prophet Muhammad s,a.w died, another hadith is commonly come to us i.e. :

Muhammad bin Sirin narrated that Umm ‘Atiyyah said:
“The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) entered upon us when we were washing his daughter Umm Kulthum. He said: ‘Wash her three or five times, or more than that if you think you need to, with water and lote leaves, and put camphor or a little camphor in (the water) for the last washing. When you have finished, call for me.’ When we finished, we called him, and he gave his waist-wrapper to us and said: ‘Shroud her with it.’”

In another hadith the daughter of Prophet saw was named :

Anas b. Malik said that he saw a striped garment over Umm Kulthum, daughter of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ). He said:
The word "siyara" means striped with silk.

Hazrta Usman Bin Affan r.a. were called as Zul Noorain because he married to 2 daughters of Prophet s.a.w , which is also found in ahadith... When the Ruqayyah bint Muhammad s.a.w. died, Prophet s.a.w gave his second daughter Umm Kulthum to his nikkah by stating:

It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that:
The Prophet met 'Uthman at the door of the mosque and said: "O 'Uthman! Jibril has told me that Allah married you to Umm Kulthum for a dowry like that of Ruqayyah, provided that you treat her as you treated Ruqayyah."

Umm 'Ayyash, the slave woman of Ruqayyah, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah, said:
"I used to help the Messenger of Allah perform ablution, when I was standing and he was sitting."

In another hadith discussing zaynab as daughter of Prophet s.a.w :
Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin:
When the people of Mecca sent about ransoming their prisoners Zaynab sent some property to ransom Abul'As, sending among it a necklace of hers which Khadijah had had, and (which she) had given to her when she married Abul'As. When the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) saw it, he felt great tenderness about it and said: If you consider that you should free her prisoner for her and return to her what belongs to her, (it will be well). They said: Yes. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) made an agreement with him that he should let Zaynab come to him, and the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) sent Zayd ibn Harithah and a man of the Ansar (the Helpers) and said: Wait in the valley of Yajij till Zaynab passes you, then you should accompany her and bring her back.


Several ahadith proves that Prophet s.a.w was the father of 4 daughters not one... However, some of our brothers dont agree with this and relate other daughters as nieces of Khadijah bint Khawlid r.a. None of the book of hadith which are believed to be the collection of "Sahih" ahadith never discussed any such kind of relation with prophet Muhammad s.a.w that 3 females were not his daughters but the nieces of Khadija r.a ... Moreover, if it was true, all other three females were never called as Bint e Muhammad s.a.w. 

People also referred to the event of Mubahila and states that IF Prophet s.a.w had other daughter, he would have asked them to come on the day of Mubahila... Their arguments also stands for the ayah tathir. and Hadith Kisa... As far as the mubahila is concerned, the even took place in 10th Hijri, the last year of Prophet s.a.w life, when all of his daughters and son were died except Fatimah Bint Muhammad s.a.w, therefore the arguments on mubahila are invalid.  Hidith Kisa was also related to the same event.

In the end Allah knows the best...!