As soon as HEC announced university ranking list, there is a strong criticism raised by the masses that how could so and so university got top ranking? All of us have an affection with the institution where we are taught and that is why we all want our own institution always remain on top because it is the thing we should be proud of.
As a common Pakistani and Karachiite, we have been listening that IBA is the best business school since years. But really it is? The institute has not even PhD program in business education. Currently IBA has only 2 PhD programs in CS, Economics and Mathematics. So how can it be known as a "great business school" when it even don't qualify for providing best and supreme business education? I know people must say that the employability ratio of IBA is far more better than any of the other business institutes.
I have done bachelors from NED University, then did my MBA from IoBM, still enrolled in the PhD program of IoBM and these are the parameters on which I feel proud that I have been taught in the best institutions of Pakistan. Fortunately I got a chance of teaching in Iqra University as a visiting faculty. And that was the starting point where I came to know how IU has been getting the top ranking.
In terms of faculty, IU has the 3 campuses in Karachi and all having good numbers of PhD faculty, not only this but I found that minimum qualification each faculty has is atleast Masters/MPhil and most of them are already doing PhD from reputed institutes. Whereas when I compare it with IoBM, no doubt IoBM has a good reputation but it lacks in the number of full time PhD faculty teaching in this institute. Being a research student I can see that in 2-3 years IoBM will be in a good position as they have been working to convert this university in a research institution and soon they will be producing good number of PhDs.

But do we really care about it ? 1000/1000 graduates of IBA gets job thats why its ratio is better but 2000/4000 BBAs of IU gets job and you say its employability is 50 % ... Is it the way of comparison we want ??? and then I would like to ask that what does it mean by employability ? and Entrepreneur opening his own milk shop while being taught from IU may be far more better than that graduate of IBA who is silent President of his own dreams ( pls don't refer it to somewhere else ;) )
Globally institutes are getting recognized from their researches. We have heard about cancer detection strategy found by a Pakistani PhD ( who is an employee of foreign university) and the lady having Pakistani birth but working in LIGO team who discovered the gravitational waves. why these people are getting famous? just because of their research. And unfortunately in Pakistan, we don't hear this word until a student get into MPhil program. Most of our masters degree program are not compelled with the research thesis and publications involved.Whereas in foreign countries, student start writing papers since their graduation. You can raise arguments that why HEC is giving university ranking list as a governmental institution but you cannot say that its parameters for the assessment are wrong.
You may disagree with the post but you need to bring an authentic mechanism at the state level and if you cannot then please get agreed that HEC ranking lists is authentic....!
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