Did prophet died on 12 Rabi ul Awwal?

12 Rabi ul Awwal Youm e Wisaal ?
Ashraf Ali Thanvi Sahb writes: "And the date has not been established, and the popular notion that it was the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal is not correct according to calendar, since that year the 9th of Zil-Hijjah fell on Friday(on Hajj Prophet s.a.w performed was Hajj e Akbar on Friday) and the proven day of death is Monday (according to all ahadith death of Holy Prophet s.a.w died on Monday). Thus it cannot be that 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal would be Monday when the 9th of Zil-Hijjah was a Friday". (Margin of page 203 of "Nashr-Teeb")

As we all know that Prophet s.a.w performed last Hajj which was occurred on the Friday (9th Zil hajj, commonly known as Hajj e Akbar). and just after 3 months of performing hajj he died. If 9th Zil Hajj is on friday then you can claculate by taking all other 3 months of 29, 30 or 29/30 none of the Monday can be occurred on 12 Rabiul Awwal. And it was proven from consecutive ahadith tha Prophet s.a.w died on Monday.

Therefore 12 Rabi ul Awwal might not be the birthday of Prophet (saw) but it also couldn't be his Youm e Wisaal in any case.

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