Azfar Rizvi

A voice: I heard that One more TERRORIST of MQM gunned down...!

Me: Oh GOD... !  Terrorist? ... He is Azfar Rizvi...

2nd voice: No No ... He was killed because he is shia.... actually this was done by SSP... They are against Shias..

But he belonged to MQM, I replied....

2nd Voice:  that is the reason why he killed... He was a terrorist then......!!!

I called him Shaheed Azfar Rizvi, then again a voice arose... Are you mad? How could he be called as Shaheed.? He was not fighting for ISLAM, even he belonged to ___ ....

Me: Don't you know who was he ?  He was the CEO of Dhaka Group... He was an Educationalist, He was the finance secretary of Arts Council of Karachi.. He wanted to make a school for middle class families.... where the children belonging to middle class family can get a quality education.

2nd Voice:  Oh then he is the one supporting to those PAN GUTkA families... ? Then he was better to be killed as he was promoting drugs...

Me: Ooopsss....  middle class families are not PAN GUTKA people..... Do you want to compare it with SMOKING and SHEESHA?

2nd Voice:  Oh really! You idiot, Smoking and Sheesha are not Drugs, Its a fashion...

Me: Oh Come On.... We were talking about Azfar Rizvi ....

2nd Voice: No, we were talking about Terrorists....!

Me: Enough,  Do you think every worker/supporter of MQM is terrorist?

2nd Voice: and You think every taliban is terrorist...! Right....!

Me: Not Taliban, But TTP....

2nd Voice: So as is MQM....

Me: How come?

2nd Voice:  Because they are terrorists...! Didnt you see the videos of terrorists accepting their crimes?

Me: If you 'll be brutally tortured by the JITs then perhaps you would also accept that you were involved in the killing of Zehra Shahid..

2nd Voice: thats the lame... Its TIT FOR TAT...!

Me: Ohh... So Azfar Rizvi were involved in the killings and therefore he was killed?

2nd Voice: No He supported terrorist thats why he was killed...

Me: Plz Plz stop it....! He is Shaheed.... He did many good deeds in his life....He was not....

2nd : Shut Up, You are also terrorist....! Get Lost....!

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