The clear example in the Holy Quran for the Abu Lahab, uncle of Holy Prophet s.a.w, cursed by ALLAH ALMIGHTY Himself. And in Surah e Kausar, whe He tells his Prophet that he won't leave His Prophet's enemies.
Although America faces the storms n yearly basis but this time it is being more horrible than previous ones. specially the monetary loss is exceeding billions of dollar , while considering the fact that American economy is based on trillions of loans and how would their citizens overcome the issue ALLAH knows well... One of the largest business hub of the world New York is 50% shut down.. Offices, Stock Exchange and other assets are experiencing the losses on daily basis,, but still they don't consider this storm as "AZAB E ELAHI" because of their deeds
Definitely they should beg apologies on disrespecting our Holy Prophet s.a.w but they named it as freedom of expression. Now ALLAH Almighty is showing them that the are not free to live in their homes although they have 100% freedom.. May ALLAH bless them with "HIDAYAH".
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